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Barleymont Group of Day Nurseries, Preschool, Afterschool and Holiday Club


TEL : 02085038662 / 07740110215

Funding for Two Year Olds

Up to 15 hours per week of free early education and childcare is available to eligible two year olds from September 2013 as part of the Government's strategy to extend the offer of free early education and childcare.

When will my child be eligible for their free place?

Your child will be entitled to a free place from the term after their second birthday. You can check if your child is eligible for a place from the beginning of the term when your child turns two.

  Child's birthday falls between   They can start in their place from
  1 January to 31 March   The beginning of term on or after 1 April
  1 April to 31 August   The beginning of term on or after 1 September
  1 September to 31 December   The beginning of term on or after 1 January

Barley Lane Preschool offers 2 year old funded places to enquire more please call 02085038662 and speak to the Preschool Manager.

Please read the information below and apply for funded 2 year old places using the information provided on the leaflet.

Apply for funding online on –