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Barleymont Group of Day Nurseries, Preschool, Afterschool and Holiday Club


TEL : 02085038662 / 07740110215

30 Hours Free Childcare

Children of eligible working parents are able to access up to 15 hours of free childcare alongside their universal entitlement of 15 hours per week. Using both the universal and extended entitlements you could get up to 30 hours a week of free early learning and childcare in a participating day nursery, pre-school.

We are a participating setting and we offer 30 hours free childcare to eligible families.

Is my child eligible?

A child is entitled to the additional 15 hours of free childcare from the term following their third birthday (see dates below) and up to compulsory school age (or where they enter a maintained Reception class) where the child's parent(s) meets the eligibility criteria set out below:

  • the parent of the child (and their partner where applicable) should be seeking the free childcare to enable them to work ;
  • the parent of the child (and their partner where applicable) should also be in qualifying paid work. Each parent (or the single parent in a lone parent household) will need to expect to earn the equivalent of 16 hours at the national living wage or their national minimum wage rate per week ;
  • where one or both parents are in receipt of benefits in connection with sickness or parenting, they are treated as though they are in paid work ;
  • where one parent (in a couple household) is in receipt or could be entitled to be in receipt of specified benefits related to caring, incapacity for work or limited capability for work that they are treated as though they are in paid work ;
  • where a parent is in a 'start-up period' (i.e. they are newly self-empoloyed) they do not need to demostrate that they meet the income criteria for 12 months in order to qualify for the extended entitlement ;
  • the parent of the child (and their partner where applicable) must not have an income exceeding £100,000 (each).

The following dates show when your child is eligible for Free Early Education Entitlement and Free Childcare. 

 A validity start date ...  Will become eligible for the extended hours from ...
 1 April and 31 August  1 September following their 3rd birthday
 1 September and 31 December  1 January following their 3rd birthday
 1 January and 31 March  1 April following their 3rd birthday

How do I apply?

If you believe you meet the eligibility criteria above you can apply for your child’s free early learning place on the national government website  You will need to provide a variety of information including your National Insurance number and you and your child's details on the system.

If you are eligible you will be provided with a 30 hours code. You will need to provide this to your chosen provider at the earliest opportunity.

You must apply and be identified as eligible the term before you wish to access a 30 hours place. The table below shows when you will be able to access a place:

 A validity start date …  Will become eligible for a free place from ... 
 1 April and 31 August  1 September following their 3rd birthday
 1 September and 31 December  1 January following their 3rd birthday
 1 January and 31 March  1 April following their 3rd birthday

In addition you will be expected to re-confirm your 30 hours code every three months. Failure to do so may result in either not being able to access your child's new 30 hours place or your child's 30 hours place being withdrawn.

Where your child is already accessing a place but you are identified as no longer being eligible when you re-confirm (or if you don't re-confirm when you should) you will be given at least one half term's notice.

The setting Manager will ask you to complete a Parent Declaration Form which will confirm that your child will be attending the setting. This will need to be completed before your child accesses their place and will need to be updated by you and the setting each term.

Once you receive the 30 hours Code contact your setting manager.